2024年5月30日 配信
『Tokyo couture fashion show』日本運営事務局です。
この度、日本初の『Tokyo couture fashion show』が開催される運びとなりました。
『Tokyo couture fashion show』とは、パリで設立され、他数十カ国で組織された国際的なファッションショー『Oriental fashion show paris』と提携し開催される、2024年、日本では初となる国際的なファッションショーです。
The Oriental Fashion show is the first international fashion event dedicated to the Couture and the Eastern fashion. Established in Paris and organized in 10 other countries, it has been working since 15 years to transform the traditional fashion, filled with symbolic meaning and history, into modern trends oriented to the international market with a good strategic positioning.
Throughout its many productions, the Oriental Fashion Show has been successful in promoting more than 100 designers from 50 different countries and pursues its commitment for fashion designers and the culture.